My photography journey started around ten years ago.
I was lucky enough to have a camera brought me for Christmas (canon 550d) many years ago and it changed me life.
I have such a passion for getting out in the landscape and capturing the moment. After a year or so of getting up early for that sunrise, I came up with the idea of wild camping to be on location at that perfect moment. The experience of a wild camp is amazing. To watch a sunrise or sunset from halfway up a mountain is something very special. From then I was fortunate to purchase a van which i converted into a camper. This was a game changer, then…
2020 - covid, this changed my photography for the better.
As a photographer, as we all were forced in to stopping local. Living in the midlands, epic landscapes was not an option, but I decided to take me dog and best friend Cooper on some local walks, always with the camera on my back.
I soon realised that there’s a lot of opportunities to shoot locally. I was drawn into my local woodland where I found a new passion for woodland photography. Woodland photography is such a challenge, but I love a challenge.
What I’ve learnt over the years is, get out and shoot no matter what the subject is.
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